Friday 2 November 2012

Very long time...

OMG I can't believe I have not written anything since August. I have to say that life got in the way but I did not stay inactive.
While on sick leave, I taught myself how to knit socks and I have to admit that I am completely hooked. I have not knitted many pairs (only four) but it gave me the opportunity to explore new (for me anyway) knitting techniques. I find Continental knitting very practical and I am not giving up on the fact that it might help me to improve my speed.

I have also won a contest, which was a part of a swap, with this bookmark:
The prize is yarn. I am glad because it is the first time I win something.

With knitting socks come the sock yarn and I like knitting and crocheting with this yarn. I am making hats and headbands and I am planning to use it for other items.

Well that is it for the moment, I just hope that I will be more regular with keeping up this blog.

Sunday 5 August 2012

long time

I have not posted anything in a long time. I have plenty of work in progress: crocheted scarf, inkle weaving... the problem is that I don't have enough time. Life seems to come in the way. No photo for the moment; maybe in the next post.

Friday 13 July 2012

First sale...

This is a pendant that I made for a birthday present. It is for the girlfriend of a colleague of mine. I have not been paid yet but it will happen.
I had great fun making this and it is the main thing. I don't know what the stone is. there are some seed beads and some facets beads too.

Monday 2 July 2012

Wire Wrapping Pendants

Wire wrapping is the technique that I learned while I was in the States at the beginning of June. I was taught by Wendy the Wire Wizard! I know I have a lot to learn but I am happy with the results so far. It has not always been the case...
I will try to post more pictures later on.
I had not realized it till the picture was taken but the moonstone on the right looks like a skull!

Friendship bracelets

I had not made friendship bracelets in a while. I am so glad to see that they are back into fashion. Here are a few, some of them might no be really nice but I needed the practice!!!

Sunday 24 June 2012


J'adore les mitaines et je suis très gourmande. Donc le meilleur moyen de combiner les deux est de faire des mitaines gourmandes. Sur la photo, c'est la version forêt noire!

Voici la version cupcake. Les connaisseurs reconnaitront le modèle de base de Twnkie Chan.

Sunday 17 June 2012

Premier post / first post

Bonjour, avec ce blog j'aimerais vous présenter mes loisirs et mes créations.
Hello, with this blog, I would like to share with you my hobbies and creations.